Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My first haul post

Hey girls, I finally have the guts to order online from USA. I've been wanting this brand for so long but never got the change to get them. thank God they ship internationally.
It's coastal scent girls..
I've order brush guard, concealer brush and concealer eclipse palette..
using USPS delivery from USA conected to Pos Indonesia it arrived yesterday 26th of september after I ordered them on the 9th of september. so I guess it tooks like more or less around 2 weeks.. I 'm so happy I've received it.
here is the picture

It's georgeous right? not enough product to be a houl post? well, the thing is I never buy anything online from US company, the shipping itself cost a lot (like half the product pice) so this is  a trial I tell you and maybe the next time I'll put a lot of product in my order.
actually this week I've order another eyeshadow pallete from one of our local online shop (Disdus) ussually they sell voucer that need to be print out in your account in order to get a discount price in the merchant. they ussually give a great discount, dedicated for a smart shopper. lot's of products too normally not makeup, that's why I'm so happy they have this deal. without further due here is the product that i've ordered from Disdus - aphrology

isn't it beautifull? this week I'm so happy girls.. all of my mails (well just two but I LOVE them) arrive in one piece and no breaks out YEI!!
the aphrology contains of 88 colors of matte eye shadow. many colors to play with and lot's of georgeous color as well.
been wanting this kind of pallete for such a long time, and now I have them.
let me know which product you love the most?
or maybe you can share your most exited activity of the week
till my next post girls
peace and love,

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